
Studio Arts

Studio Art Work in Progress

ACLC offers studio arts courses at both the middle and high school levels. The high school course fulfills the A-G Visual and Performing Arts requirement. The arts are also integrated into core courses, as part of our project-based, STEAM curriculum.

Middle School Courses:
Studio Art 6--one semester
Art 7/8--one semester
High School Courses:
Studio Art--two semesters
Art--two semesters

Digital Arts

Digital Music Work in Progress

ACLC is proud of its extensive digital arts program, which includes three high school course offerings, all of which fulfill the A-G Visual and Performing Arts requirement.

Middle School Courses:
Visual Communications 7/8--one semester
Digital Video Studio 7/8--one semester
High School Courses:
Visual Communications--two semesters
Digital Music--two semesters
Digital Video Studio--two semesters