Lunch at ACLC
ACLC works with the AUSD Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) to provide daily breakfast and lunch for all learners.
Important things to know:
- Free Breakfast and Lunch will be provided to ALL students throughout the school year!
- It is still important to complete the 2024-25 Application for Free and Reduced-Price Meals because:
- qualifying for this program can qualify your family for other benefits, and
- our school receives funds based on how many families qualify for this program, and
- even if you don't qualify, turning in the form helps us get the most accurate picture of our school
- Food Service Personnel will implement these Safety Procedures.
- In addition to the daily menu offering, FNS offers salad bars, seasonal fruits and a vegetarian option.
- AUSD FNS follows nutritional guidelines published by the US Department of Agriculture. In addition, FNS:
- avoids the use of trans-fats, antibiotics, growth hormones, and high fructose corn syrup
- makes much of the food from scratch in their central kitchen, incorporating local produce in the meals
FNS Food Service Safety Procedures
- Maximize physical distance as much as possible during meal service times, including maximizing outdoor eating areas as feasible.
- Additional sanitizing stations in the meal service line areas.
- Dedicated entry and exit, where applicable.
- One-way travel and quick service lines located next to entrances.
- Maximize ventilation in cafeterias with doors and windows open to the extent possible.
- Plexiglass shields at pay stations, where applicable.
- All students will not have to use a keypad to enter ID.
- All condiments are packaged or served to students.
- All food items will be served by food service personnel. There will be no self-service at this time.
- Staff masked at all times.
- Staff will make adaptations if public health guidance dictates.