Our Approach

Learners Doing Garden Project

Our Mission

To empower all youth to take ownership of their educational experience, to celebrate their diverse community, and to actively participate as members in a democratic society.

Learn more about our Democratic Model

Learners Doing Garden Project

Self-Directed & Project-Based

ACLC empowers youth by providing opportunities for self-directed and project-based learning, and by emphasizing and developing leadership skills. Students are called "learners" to highlight their active role in the learning process.

Learn more about Project-Based Learning

Facilitator and Learners in Classroom

Collaborative & Creative

At ACLC, teachers are called "facilitators" because they strive to support, rather than overly control, the learning process. Using a variety of strategies, a skilled facilitator guides learners to think, pose questions, experiment, and create for themselves. This approach provides a more satisfying and successful learning experience than traditional education environments.

See some Learner Projects

Learner Working on Project

Flexible and Empowering

ACLC's college-like scheduling, with varied class schedules and independent time (project periods), improves learner experience and performance. It also allows high schoolers to take college classes.

How ACLC fosters college readiness